Drug & Alcohol Testing Locations
Find the nearest Labcorp collection site and select "Occupational Urine Drug Screen Collections" as the type of service you are accessing.
Find the nearest Quest Diagnostics collection site and select "Employer and wellness services" as the reason for testing.
General Instructions
- You must have a CUSTODY AND CONTROL FORM (CCF) in your possession to receive drug testing services at a Labcorp or Quest facility. If you do not have a form, please contact us.
- HOURS VARY for different services offered at Patient Service Centers. Contact the collection site BEFORE your visit to determine when those services are available.
- The Quest Diagnostic Patient Service Centers "Find a Location" locator site also lists NON-QUEST PSC's. Be advised there MAY BE AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE to use these "Preferred" third party locations.
For ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE or to help locate a collection site not in your area, please call (877) 340-6101.
For IMMEDIATE testing or to set up ONGOING testing, please call (877) 340-6101.
To EMAIL for more information, please contact john@secureresults.net.